Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Supplements- a definition

A regular question people pose to me is-'what supplements do you take?'  Why do they ask this?

I have had success in changing my physique and as a fitness professional people come to me for expertise and advice in order that they can learn something to better help them achieve their goals.

Many people are looking for a 'magic' pill or shake that will give them their dream physic in a 'Just add water' format-sorry it's not out their yet.

How to achieve your own magic pill

Firstly what does supplement mean?

The Oxford Dictionary (online) tells us,
a thing added to something else in order to complete or enhance it

Supplements come in many different forms and provide for different requirements;
Multivitamins-improve health and boy function
Proteins-enhance the bodies ability to recover and build muscle for those who regularly train
Fat burners- improve the bodies ability to burn and or use fat at fuel source amongst others.
(please be advised this is a very basic breakdown, many more products/functions are offered)

If we look again at the definition of supplement, my response to the original question 

'what supplements do you take?'

my response is 'what are you trying to achieve?'

and that is followed by 'what is in your diet to suit this?'

As supplements are designed to enhance your diet, if you are not eating a fat burning diet, or training in a manner for fat burning, your fat burner supplement has nothing to enhance, and surely therefore it won't work?

So to achieve your magic pill, Train and eat appropriately and consistently to suit your goals.  Now when you add supplements on top they become highly effective and YOU can achieve magic.

A final thought,  would it suit you to change your language.  Instead of using supplements, you use...
dietary enhancers?

Train well, Eat well, Live well.



Saturday, 15 October 2011

Runners and the off season.

So Autumn is very much upon us, and for those of you who are runners I am sure you are looking forward to a reduced running schedule.  Hopefully you are reflecting on a successful season, and already planning  your race schedule for 2012.

During your review of 2011 are you taking note of any aches, pains or even injuries that may have hit you during the season, and most importantly how you identified how to fix these problems?

I have had the opportunity to work with and talk to many more runners this year then ever before, and I hear about the same few complaints;

  • My calves are always painful
  • my shins hurt
  • My lower back aches
  • my shoulders and neck hurt
Is this you?

Now the off season is here you have a great opportunity to act and remove these complaints by diversifying your training.  Now is the time to focus on individual muscles and improve their strength and endurance ready for the new season.

Discuss any weaknesses you feel you may have with a trainer and they could be eliminated by the time your training begins for the new race season.

Does stronger, faster, pain free running sound like a great way to enjoy the new season?

Act now and reap the benefits when that next marathon comes round.

All the best,
