Thursday, 3 November 2011

Goal Setting-the long and short of it.

Here is article number 3 for me and will begin with a shameless plug, as well as blogging I also use Twitter @darren_pt and on Facebook 'Darren Carroll Personal Training'.

This article is about goal setting and while I will use the theme of health and fitness it is a tool that I have and recommend using in other aspects of life.

We all have a vision of the physique and/or physical ability we aspire too, and we all chase that goal with lesser or greater degrees of effort and success.

Many goals can seem over ambitious or unrealistic and seem a long way away.  Regrettably many people can be disheartened after lots of work and time, there goals can still seem far away (in truth they have been succeeding but are only focusing on the long term goal).

Goal setting is a great tool that I use with my clients, but I use one technique called Goal Ladders that keeps the long term goals achievable and realistic. This tool  also serves to keep you motivated and repeatedly succeeding as you go.

Goal Ladders.
A goal ladder takes a long term goal i.e. lose 30lb, and breaks this goal down into manageable short term targets of losing 1lb at a time.

By focusing on climbing the ladder one rung at a time you will find you are repeatedly achieving and enjoying small successes while getting closer to the top of your ladder and achieving the bigger dream.

So whatever it is you hope to achieve through 2012, set that goal and then set your small goals also and find yourself repeatedly succeeding and staying motivated towards those long term goals.