However one factor often over looked is stress. Stress can bring your weight loss to a grinding stop, despite your best efforts to eat and exercie effectively. Elevated stress levels can cause an increase in the hormone "Cortisol".
Cortisol, among other effects will cause increased stores of abodminal fat, and suppression of the immune system exposing you to greater risk of illness.
Reducing stress levels is an essential part of reducing Cortisol levels and so increaing your ability to burn fat.
So take a look at your life and identify what stresses exist in your life and can you make necessary changes;
- Increase amount of sleep
- Decreasing Work stress levels
- Overcoming Illness
- Introducing a low GI diet
- take time for meditation, or stress relieving physical activty.
Always remember
"Well in Mind, Well in Body"
Till next time,