I am often asked what I eat, at all times I am in one sort eating strategy or another.
Currently the thing that is working for me is 'Carb Back Loading' a protocol developed by Dr John Keifer. The principle of CBL is to eat Proteins and fats before training, ideally training is 5-7PM.
After training now is the opportunity to eat Protein with Carbohydrates which will be utilised to replenish energy stores in the muscle with reduced likelihood of going to fat stores.
There is still lots of people questioning the science behind the strategy (plus Haters gotta Hate, and give themselves a feeling of superiority)but in a nutshell here it goes:
Firstly, research suggests that in the morning after sleep, the body is in a state of sourcing fuel primarily from your fat stores. The intake of carbohydrates will blunt the fat burning and the body will utilise stored carbohydrates as they are a more readily available fuel source.
Naturally most of us will want to remain in a higher fat burning state so prolonging the intake of carbs will be a good thing.
Secondly, because there is likely hood you will still have a large portion of your daily calories available for after training, you can enjoy some more dietary freedoms. Dr John Keifer initially was saying you could enjoy a couple of doughnuts the first hour after training.
Go careful here, some people got a bit over zealous and were looking to polish off a box of Krispy Kreme after every workout, not good! Dr Keifer did edit the book as so many people were taking the piss, plus the health implications were being overlooked(a common feature of many diets-that's another blog).
The key reason for me using CBL at this time is it really nicely fits into my lifestyle. Work through the day, train,spend the evening eating that's a good fit for me.
What I think is going to be the more interesting part for people is what am I eating when I'm in the no carb phase if the day. When I talk to people about keeping carbs out of there first 2-3 meals they freak at the though of no carbs.
Really, is no carbs that scary! No your just that frickin lazy you can't be bothered to figure out some different meals high in fat and contain low calorie foods. And let's be honest some people cannot be bothered to discipline themselves and go without for a few hours because any form of hardship is a lifelong crisis. And relax Darren...rant over.
Anyway some of the meals I eat;
Steak with spinach, kale, spring greens followed by Avocado
Lots of protein, lots of greens so tons of nutrients and low calorie and some healthy fats in the avocado. This is a great meal as it can leave you feeling full for hours and fuel you for longer.
Chicken Salad
Fairly straight forward, I will often drop some nuts or seeds into this to add those healthy fats in.
Double Cream, Frozen berries & Chocolate Protein Powder.
This is very much a treat, it does have berries which contain carbs but very few so negligible and of course I favour chocolate protein
This is very little of what I do, but it really is easy to eat carb free meals that can be filling to eat and sustain the body well.
For further ideas look at some of the Paleo books/Apps that will have some carb free recipes within them.