For how many people is that resolution going to be
"This year I will lose weight"
Wasn't that last years goal, oh yeah and the year before that?
Sound familiar?
Stay with me...
This IS just more to help you realise that you can't keep doing the same thing and expect/ hope for a different result.
How many times over the last few years have you told yourself you are going to lose weight?
And in all that time how much has your weight dropped?
It stated that 65% of those that have dieted will return to their pre weight diet after 3 years! Does that sound familiar?
It's a real shame if the above stat is true, all these dieters with all the best intentions and putting in some great effort to initially lose that weight but then its all undone.
A big part of the problem is buying the book reading the article saying drop 10Lb in Weeks, you get a great 10 week plan with shopping lists and menus but at the end of the 10 weeks nothing, where do you go from there?
It's a real shame if the above stat is true, all these dieters with all the best intentions and putting in some great effort to initially lose that weight but then its all undone.
A big part of the problem is buying the book reading the article saying drop 10Lb in Weeks, you get a great 10 week plan with shopping lists and menus but at the end of the 10 weeks nothing, where do you go from there?
Can you do things better?.....Heck yes!
For a start have a clear idea of Your aims, but be very clear don't let the magazine tell you your goal or what tim to do it in. When I say have a clears idea what I mean by that is 'This year I will lose weight", to be honest sucks as an aim and gives you nothing to work for or with.
A better goal would be "I am aim to lose 10Lb", even better "I aim to lose 10Lb in 10 Weeks".
Now we have a clear goal and clear time limit that you must keep yourself accountable to.
But we're still not done. Now we have established the goal its time we figure out how to go about it.
So using our weight loss example, part of your strategy may be to attend the gym more. Again be specific, "I will attend the gym 3 times per week, and I will do 1 class at this time on a Monday and 2 gym based sessions on Thursday and Saturday"
Another part of your weight change strategy will be dieting, so write shopping lists, write meal plans, prepare lunches and snacks so you are not caught without food and find yourself buying high calorie fast foods.
Most importantly track as much as you can. For my clients I have their training pre planned, I know the exercises they must complete, the sequence I want them completed in, How fast they move in the exercise, what weight to lift.
I track the training to such as extent I can tell if someone did or did not have breakfast!!
Also tracking your diet is much simpler than it used to be with tools such as 'My Fitness Pal' the calorie counting Phone App being freely available. I also keep my clients accountable by using a simple 1-10 scale, 1 being a bad day and 10 being spot on, daily you self score out of 10 how well have you achieved what we set out and planned to do.
Now don't panic scoring 10 doesn't mean my clients are eating rabbit food, what it does mean is they have had a days good nutrition with a small amount of the enjoyable stuff. For some that could be as much as 20% of their daily calories or as little as 5%. That is very much determined by the individual and how driven they are to achieving their goal.
With any training or nutrition plan the most important thing is, is it sustainable?
If it's not reconsider your approach, lets go back to the 'Lose 10Lb in 10 Weeks' client, if at the end of the 10 weeks this person cannot continue the diet and training plan they worked with, in time we will see that 10Lb go back on so in all honesty what was the point?
Make yourself accountable, all my clients know they have to answer to me as I am setting weekly weight loss goals which they do not take lightly, if they don't achieve it I want to know why and we find a solution to the problem that we are both happy with.
To make yourself accountable set a clear target and tell everyone about it so you become accountable to them also.
If you want help in setting out clear goals they feel free to get in contact with me using the links below;
Facebook; Darren Carroll-PT (join the conversation here too).
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