Wednesday, 9 January 2019

The Diet everyone is doing this year is?

Apparently the Keto (or Ketosis) seems to be the diet of choice this year.

What is the Keto diet?

Simply put, the Keto diet is dietary plan that will have you limiting the amount of Carbohydrate in your diet.  This will in time lower your blood sugar levels, as the blood sugar levels drop your body will adjust and better use body fat as a fuel source.

So in truth you may already know it under the name Low-Carb diet or Atkins diet.

Better at using body fat as a fuel source... sounds good right?

Yes I'm sure most of us want to be better at burning fat, however the very limited Carbs approach can be difficult.

For example most people practising this diet will cut the following from their diet: 

  • Rice, Potatoes, Quinoa, Pasta, Bread
  • Beans, Chickpeas and Legumes
  • Cakes, Ice Cream, Sweets, Chocolate (no shocker)
  • Fruit
  • Starchy vegetables such as Carrots, Sweetcorn
Basically the foods you like are out (thankfully you can still eat Steak!).

Why is it so popular?

I think there is a couple of reasons for this, the first reason being that in the short term it works well.  I have seen people drop up to 10Lb in the first week of doing the diet.  In the first week of successful dieting you are using up glycogen (the energy form of sugar) levels in the body which causes you to lose water which could account for 5Lb of that first 10Lb.

Over the longer term weight loss rates are more inline with other diets in which you restrict calories from all food groups.

The second reason it is so popular is, the fitness industry and media typically like to demonise whole food groups.  We are right now in a fad of saying all sugars are bad, quite simply it sells.

Does it Work?

Yes, I have seen it work to great effect in the first month, and there is plenty of evidence to support its short term effectiveness, in the long term-the jury is still out and it does have associated risks including;
  • Low energy levels
  • digestive discomfort
  • Bad breath
  • Brain fog
In practise I am not sold on it.  The list of foods restricted is very strict and would be difficult to stick 100% to the plan because who doesn't want to enjoy some cake, or beer, or the occasional bag of crisps, doughnut, ice cream, roast potatoes... sorry where was I?

Do you follow a Keto diet?  Did you? Why did you stop?  How did you get on?

Please do let me know.

Till next time,


Always consult your GP before commencing any diet (they know more than Sally on reception).

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